Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Where does the time go? I sat down this morning at my laptop and I thought...maybe I will take a look at my blog and write a post. While I was still debating it, I got a comment from Maren on my last post...that seemed like fate's way of telling me I needed to come back. 

I started to open up and catch up on some of my favorite blogs, and let me tell you...I have missed A LOT. One of my favorite bloggers in the whole world actually got PREGNANT AND HAD A BABY! And I missed the WHOLE THING. 

I know I wrote in the past about starting a new job. It's not so new any more but I still love it just as much as I did when I started, but I just feel like I don't really have a lot of free time. But, for the first time in FOREVER, I am on vacation for the holidays and I don't have to work until January 2nd. This is pretty amazing to me and I'm really excited to at least temporarily jump back in here and say hi (let's be seriously, once 2014 hits I'll probably be insane again). 

This has been a really big year for me! I actually just turned 30 last week! I have a feeling 30 is going to be the best year yet :-) 


  1. I am definitely a deliverer of fate. ;) haha!
    Funny how time really just flies by. I keep saying it, but it's true!

    Of course 30 will be your best year yet :D

  2. Happy Birthday, and welcome back! <3

  3. Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday!!!!

  4. happy birfday and welcome back! i was MIA for awhile myself and couldn't believe the baby fever going around while i was gone too -- didn't think i was outta the loop that long????
