Monday, February 25, 2013

April DietBet Challenge!!

Friends, I've got a super fun challenge planned for April.

But you'll notice from my weight-loss listed in the side bar, I'm having a hard time staying focused. Traveling is making it so much more difficult to establish a routine but I'm really trying hard! It's also making it a lot more challenging to blog as often as I used to, and for that I truly apologize.

Over the past 5 days I was dealing with either a nasty stomach bug or severe food poisoning, and I had a chance to do some reading of my favorite blogs (sorry for no comments, it's very difficult to type when you're not sitting up, and I was just in no shape to sit up)...and I discovered the coolest site from one of my new favorite blogs (lol I think I actually say this just about every time I post) -

Anyway, it's a site called DietBet, and the premise is so simple and genius all at the same time that I can't even believe it wasn't created sooner. Basically you join a game, each game has a pre-set bet amount and lasts for 28 days. There are strict rules about how you weigh-in (sent privately through the website to a DietBet referee), and at the end of the 28 days if you lose at least 4% of your body weight (but not exceeding 12% because that is deemed unsafe), then you are a WINNER! Everyone who wins then splits the pot, which is made up of all of the bets. Simple!

My April DietBet Challenge!!!

I have just created a new game starting April 1 - I wanted to give a delayed start because I'm actually going to be participating in my first one in March, and I knew I'd want another to follow this one up.

Click here to sign up -> Erin's DietBet

This one has a starting bet of $50, and I know that may seem a bit steep compared to the other games, but here's my rationale - I want everyone to win. The higher the stakes are, the more likely people will be to hold themselves accountable.

The decision is yours and yours alone...

Do you, or do you not, want at least your $50 back when all is said and done?

If you believe in yourself, believe that you can stay motivated for 4 weeks and lose 4% of your body weight, then you will have no problem investing $50 that you know you'll get back. What do you have to lose??? I hope you all join me!!


  1. I nominated your for a Liebster Award. Its for new or newish bloggers with under 200 followers. You can get more details on my latest post.

    1. Great blog, girlll!

      E-$, what March challenge did you join? I'ma thinkinn of joinin one tonight for the start of Monday! Ohhh shyettt... :))
